Sunday, January 28, 2024

Chiapas. colonial statues

 Last year we published images of two exceptional equestrian statues in the city of San Cristobal de Las Casas.

In this post we look at a few other fine statues from the colonial period in Chiapas.

First, the painted image in the Cathedral of its patron St. Christopher. Located beside the 18th century altarpiece in the south aisle, this noble statue of the youthful saint holding the infant Jesus is particularly expressive. The saint's curling hair and beard and his pale melancholy features in the Guatemalan manner contrast with his ornate coronet and flowing brocaded robe

This venerable statue of the celebrated martyr St. Sebastian is now placed in the church of Santo Domingo, in the coastal community of Chiapa de Corzo, formerly the provincial capital.

The saint gestures dramatically, the gushing arrow wounds on his limbs contrasting with his floral skirt, worked in a rich estofado embroidery.

Lastly we focus on a statue of the early Jesuit, St Francis Borgia, one of several portraying Jesuit notables contained in the spectacular early 18th century altarpiece at Teopisca, south of San Cristóbal, and formerly located in the Jesuit church of San Agustín, also in San Cristóbal.

Set on a pedestal in a shell like niche, as with the previous two statues, the saint is wrapped in a sumptuous robe embroidered in rich estofado style.

text and drawn images © 1994 & 2024 Richard D. Perry

all rights reserved

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Puebla. Los Reyes (2)

Epiphany! January 6th 2024.

On this feast day of the Three Kings we return to the Pueblan church of Los Reyes to look at the church interior, where ribbed vaults reflect the white and gold nave, refitted in neoclassical style.

 Fortunately for us, some of the original baroque altarpieces remain.

The Main Retablo

This gilded two tier retablo in high Mexican baroque (estipite) style  probably dates from the later 1700s. Prominent, swagged niche pilasters showcase statues of the Three Kings, and John the Baptist set between highly ornamental estipites. 

The center tableau includes the Virgin (babeless) with Joseph and one of the Three Kings (Melchor).

Multiple cornices divide the retablo in layered style.

transept retablo 1.

A large triple tier gilded altarpiece of The Virgin of the Snows (Los Nieves) is fashioned in earlier baroque style with plain, rectangular pilasters on lower tier & Plateresque columns on second tier.

St Dominic?

Sts Francis & Anthony of Padua

Colonial statues of mostly Franciscan? saints rest in shell niches across first tier; three more in niches on second tier, flanked by large paintings.  

The Franciscan arms on third tier (gable) flanks a large center niche (empty) with window behind.

transept retablo 2

This smaller gilded retablo is framed in ornate Solomonic style with vine-encrusted spiral columns enclosing shell niches containing painted statuary of Evangelists.  Dedicated to Our Lady of the Pillar it features large paintings illustrating scenes from the life of the Virgin Mary.  

All the best for 2024!

© 2024 Richard D. Perry

images by the author and Niccolo Brooker by permission

Monday, January 1, 2024

Puebla. Los Reyes de Juarez

As is our custom at t his time of the year we like to feature a church dedicated to the Three Kings, or Los Reyes Magos

In this post , the first of two, we look at the town of Los Reyes, a medium size market town in central Puebla state, across the autopista from Acatzingo, SE of the city of Puebla.

This is the first of two posts on the church, focusing here on the ornate facade of painted stucco relief.


The church of the Three Kings presents a triple tier facade in the lacy, wedding cake style of popular Pueblan baroque,; its classical retablo format is enhanced with abundant applied surface ornament of carved stucco in good condition, and usually painted orange or yellow.

Lower tier: classical fluted columns are set on complex, raised carved bases.  doorway. Applied surface decoration - whorls, foliage starbursts, etc - appear on and between columns, and in spandrels over the plain arched doorway. 

Oval medallions between the columns framing stucco reliefs of the  Four Evangelists in folkloric style each with his symbol.

 Matthew                           Mark
 Luke                               John
The second tier features rectangular pilasters with scrolled/foliated ornament densely carved in low relief.   Oval cartouches between pilasters show the two other Evangelists (Mark & Luke) 

The plain rectangular choir window is flanked by ornamental relief pendants

Decorative pinnacles extend above pilasters into the gable area. 

The large center relief medallion shows one of Magi kneeling before mother & child, flanked by two other kings (reyes) on horseback.  A stucco star above at apex, is supported by angels.

The gable is capped by a sinuous projecting mixtilinear pediment.  

Giant pilasters flank the entire facade, ornamented in the same fashion as the upper tier pilasters, as are the cornices between the tiers.A substantial, triple staged tower with prominent tiled dome on south side. 

  The ornamental atrium gateway follows the facade in style.

© 2024 Richard D. Perry

images by the author and © Niccolo Brooker by permission