Saturday, May 4, 2024

Michoacán. Tacámbaro. La Capilla de Sta Maria Magdalena

 This modest church, now serving as the chapel of the eponymous Hacienda in whose lands it is located, is of considerable importance in the history of the region. 

   Founded in the 16th century under the auspices of the first Governor of Nueva Galicia, Cristóbal de Oñate, it represents the  beginning of the evangelization of the area by the Augustine order , a precursor structure to their larger convento at nearby Tacámbaro.

Boasting a surprisingly ornate carved entry that dates in part from its founding, the chapel has been added to over the centuries and was recent stabilized and restored.

The Facade
Although, as mentioned, it has been altered over the centuries, much of its original detailing is intact, notably the west doorway with its carved jambs and layered archway. 

As is often the case, the apostles Peter and Paul flank the doorway
while another statue, that of the patron St Mary Magdalene, stands in a similarly framed niche over the doorway.
The outlying pilasters are carved in late 18th century estípite style, and capped with winged angel reliefs.

The small atrium is walled, its arched entry framed like the chapel doorway.  The wall is surmounted by a sequence of columns; it is not clear what the columns may have supported if anything; although possibly a colonnaded portería of some kind.

The interior
The otherwise austere single nave is capped by a modern painted ceiling in the style of western Michoacan.

© 2024 Richard D Perry
photography courtesy of Niccolo Brooker
for more details consult La capilla de Cristóbal de Oñate : Santa María Magdalena en Tacámbaro
by Gloria Angélica Alvarez Rodríguez. 2006