Friday, July 5, 2013

Santa Monica de Guadalajara: update

In previous posts we looked at various aspects of this historic nun's church and convent in the heart of the city of Guadalajara.

Santa Monica before restoration
Recently, during restoration of the main facade by the organization Adopte Una Obra de Arte, passages of architectural stonework from colonial times were uncovered behind false walls formerly added beside the portals to buttress the nave. 
   In both cases the features comprise rows of deep shell niches divided by ornate spiral columns carved with vines. The statues they once contained are missing. 
   Although the removal of these walls has caused concern in some quarters regarding the structural integrity of the building, these long forgotten architectural elements add to the decorative richness of the Santa Monica front as well as further illuminating its architectural history.

text © Richard D. Perry 
images by Catedrales e Iglesias and Adopte Una Obra de Arte

For more on the colonial arts of Guadalajara and Jalisco, consult our regional guide

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