Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Chapels of Ixtla: La Capilla de Los Angeles

La Capilla de Los Angeles before restoration
Like many of the Ixtla chapels, the Capilla de Los Angeles fell into disuse and disrepair after the Mexican Revolution, and until recent times it was neglected and virtually abandoned.
   With the Proyecto San Miguel Ixtla however, the chapel has been partially rehabilitated and awaits full restoration.
In keeping with most area chapels, the Capilla de Los Angeles is modest in scale and design, although like the others, considerable attention was devoted to an imposing stone entry.
Despite its current battered condition, the portal is quite stylishly carved, with coffered jambs, an inscribed and foliated archway, and a pedimented alfiz sheltering a remnant stone crucifix.

The interior, although as yet unrestored, is like the others painted with a curtained altar and colorful angels holding crosses and Instruments of the Passion. Hoped for restoration may reveal more murals beneath the grime. 
archangel with cross on the nave wall
This brings to a close our series on the chapels of Ixtla, in Guanajuato.  In future posts we hope to look at related groups of Otomí chapels in neighboring Querétaro and Hidalgo.

text © 2014 Richard D. Perry.  images by Niccolò Brooker and others

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