Sunday, October 22, 2017

Mexico: earthquake damage in Morelos — Ahuatlan

As we have reported in recent posts, damage following the 9/19 Mexico earthquake has been visited on communities, buildings and churches large and small, especially in Morelos.
But few have suffered the total devastation as has the little church of Asunción Ahuatlan, near Totolapan (also heavily affected)
Asunción Ahuatlan was chiefly notable for its adjacent but separate open chapel, already partly in ruins but retaining some of its colorful mural decoration.
open chapel & mural fragments before 'quake
But after the 9/19 'quake, both the church and chapel sustained what may be irreparable damage.
Ahuatlan today, after the earthquake (©Robert Jackson)
2019 Update: Repair of both church and chapel is under way, with a new church roof currently under construction:
photographs courtesy of Robert Jackson

text © Richard D. Perry. 
images courtesy of Robert Jackson and Niccolò Brooker

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