Monday, May 13, 2019

San Lorenzo de Rio Tenco 2. The altarpieces

For our second post on Rio Tenco we go inside the church to view the beautiful gilded main retablo of Guadalupe, fashioned like the church front in late baroque style, and newly restored by Adopte una Obra de Arte.  
The center niche portrays the Virgin of Guadalupe in classic style flanked by oval paintings of the four Apparitions mounted in the interestípites.
An image of the patron St Lawrence with his grill occupies the lower niche.
Other exceptional features of the altarpiece include the dynamic statue of the Archangel Michael at the top and the stooped figure of San Juan Diego “holding up” the entire retablo at its foot.

St. Lawrence appears again as the focus of another gilded side altar.
text © 2019 Richard D. Perry
color images by N. Brooker and from online sources

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