Friday, February 28, 2020

Yucatán. San Bartolomá Suma

Continuing our posts on the rural churches of Yucatán, we go to the village of Suma, “deep water,” situated a few miles east of Motul in northern Yucatán.
Dedicated to St Bartholomew (San Bartolomé) this substantial colonial church is set within a raised atrium of ancient Maya origin and presents a plain but imposing front in familiar Yucatecan style, capped by soaring twin belfries. 
A dated inscription above the choir window (1787) probably marks the addition of the upper gable and belfries to the steeply pitched 17th century front (still visible: in outline)  
The massive crenelated church walls are shaped into a series of deep arched niches along the nave interior. 

Few colonial furnishings however remain, notably a small side altar to Franciscan favorite St Anthony of Padua and a stone baptismal font.
text © 2020 Richard D, Perry
images by the author and from online sources

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