Monday, September 13, 2021

Hidalgo. The Chapels of Metztitlan: the smaller chapels

In addition to the former visitas of the great Augustinian priory of Metztitlan that we described earlier, there are a number of lesser churches and chapels in the area, mostly dependent at one time on the priory.
   Although changes have been made to some of these chapels over time, many remain largely in their original form, for the most part following the regional pattern of a plain whitewashed rectangular front capped by an espadaña or wall belfry like the mother church.
   We list these chapels below in no particular order, starting with San Juan Metztitlan:
San Juan Metztitlan, small chapel on raised platform
Jilotlan: classic configuration with domed apse, buttressed and battlemented nave
and high rectangular front with espadaña
Olotla (with a small tower instead of a wall belfry)
Amajatlan, another typical profile with tall front and belfry
Palmar, more of a chapel than a church
Tlatepexé, rustic barrio chapel
text © 2020  Richard D. Perry
images from online sources

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