Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Puebla. Asuncion Tlatlauquitepec

We continue our survey of early colonial buildings in the rugged Sierra Norte de Puebla with a look at the conventual church of Asunción Tlatlauquitepec.
Founded by the Franciscans in 1531, the early convento of Santa María Tlatlauquitepec became the most important mission in the northern sierra region of Puebla. Construction of the church of Santa María de la Asunción was finished by 1693.
The refurbished facade shows paired columns flanking the doorway, while a broken segmented pediment frames the plain choir window, which is unusually flanked by two ocular openings.
A stone cross boldly carved with Passion symbols stands atop the crowning gable.
Despite its neoclassical makeover with arcades of fluted Doric columns supporting balustraded upper walks, the outstanding feature of the nave is the mudéjar style coffered beamed ceiling. 
Another recognizable remnant of the early mission is the monolithic baptismal font. 
The convento preserves its ample quadrangular two tier cloister with flattened arches on the lower level, doubling up on the second level.

text © 2020 Richard D. Perry
images by Niccolo Brooker and from online sources

Please review our other posts on the Sierra Norte churches: ChignahuapanIxtacamaxtitlan

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