Friday, February 19, 2021

Guanajuato. San Francisco Comonfort

In this post we highlight the 17th century church and convento of San Francisco Comonfort.
The complex dates from the early 1600s. The tower is the principal feature of the front, constructed in three tiers and capped by a ladrillo tiled dome. Otherwise the facade is framed in sober mannerist style, the entry flanked by Doric pilasters and the upper niche containing a statue of the patron St Francis.
   The former convento lies to the southwest of the church, accessed by a double arcaded porteria.
While the main retablo and several of side retablos are neoclassical in style, the main glory of the church interior is the group of gilded altarpieces lining the transepts, fashioned in the highly ornate late baroque anĂ¡stilo manner, variously featuring painted panels and statuary of Franciscan and other prominent saints.
Along the nave stands a large painting of Las Animas, (Souls in Purgatory) with the Virgin Mary, archangels, Dominican and Franciscan saints.
text © 2021 Richard D Perry
images © ELTB
for more on this painting.

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