Saturday, January 1, 2022

Ten Years

2022 marks ten years since I started this blog.  While it has given me much satisfaction over this time, I feel that now it is time to wind it down, which I shall be doing over the coming months.

I should like to express my thanks and appreciation to all those aficionados who have followed me over the years, as well as those whose pictures and reports I have incorporated into my posts.  In particular my friend and intrepid Mexico traveler Niccolo Brooker, whose wonderful photographs have been essential to the whole enterprise.

Richard Perry


  1. Richard, I understand your decision but I'll miss your blog. I hope you'll leave the existing blog posts available. My deepest thanks for all you've taught and shown us, and my best wishes for the future.

  2. Thank you Mike and all who have left kind comments. I will be posting throughout the coming year and earlier posts will be available until further notice. Thank you all.

  3. Mr.Perry,first of all thank you very much for this ten years sharing your incredible work.I was born in Mexico an traveling for 70 years visiting the treasures that are the churches of my country,then I can feel and understand your wonderful work. Please leave available your blog,many of us will learn from your work and enjoy it.My best wishes to you.

  4. Richard, thanks so much for this blog (and your books). They have all inspired my own travels through Mexico. Barnaby Nygren
