Temimilcingo *
On the Small Round Stone Column
Possibly a remnant from the early Franciscan tenure of this little mission near Tlaquiltenango, before its handover to the Dominicans in the later 1500s, the rustic carved atrium cross is one of our favorites in the region.
Raised on a high base, set with corner merlons as at Cuernavaca, the cross is set at a slight angle on a box pedestal carved with crossbones.
Instead of Cuernavaca’s cuauxicalli basin, a larger, arched cavity or sepulcher extends deep into the base at the front—still a receptacle for offerings.
Unlike most other Morelos examples, the cross is carved with a full assortment of Passion reliefs, packed tightly between the raised outlines.
A worn, spiny Crown covers the axis and a trio of angled Spikes with round, drilled bases appears on the arms and lower shaft, although a propeller like relief on the left arm may be the only representation of an actual Wound.
Other objects on the shaft include three tumbling Dice beside an elongated Column with a Rooster. At the foot, a corn plant springs from an oval ring. An indistinct inscribed plaque transfixes the head of the cross.
Four profile heads adorn the cross. Two small heads are outlined in the outer corners of each arm. The head of Judas appears on the upper shaft, dangling a rope and purse, flanked by rows of silver Coins. A fourth head at the foot of the cross vomits an angry speech scroll.
text © 2024 Richard D. Perry
color images by the author and © Niccolo Brooker