Friday, April 21, 2017

San Martín Ocoxochitepec

From time to time we take a look at modest rural churches with colonial antecedents that are overlooked by most students of viceregal art and architecture, but that often possess features of artistic interest. We like to call them Hidden Gems.
The country church of San Martín Ocoxochitepec (Pine Flower Hill) nestled in the verdant hills of the Valle de Bravo in the northwest corner of Mexico State, is one example. 
Now serving as the parish church of nearby Ixtapan del Oro, the building dates back at least to the 17th century—the date 1689 is carved beneath the choir window—although parts of it may be even earlier. 
The rustic doorway, with fluted pilasters and sinuous, carved foliage on the archway, is oddly elevated, although this may have been reduced in height due to flooding.
The other item of interest at Ocoxochitepec is the atrium cross mounted in front of the church, cylindrical in section and carved with a simple ring at the crossing.
Check out our other Hidden Gems: Xichu de IndiosSan Felipe Sultepec; San Pablo Malacatepec;   Mixquiahuala
text © 2017 Richard D. Perry.  images by Niccolò Brooker and others

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