Thursday, August 13, 2020

Puebla. Atlixco: The Third Order Chapel of St. Francis 3: the paintings

In our earlier post on the main altarpiece of the Third Order chapel, we noted that it contains only sculptures. However there are also several colonial paintings of interest inside the church,
   Mounted on the walls to either side of the main altarpiece are four large painted panels by the prolific 18th century Pueblan artist Lorenzo Zendejas, illustrating key scenes from the life of St. Francis: 

    1. Baptism of St Francis   2. Death of St Francis
3. Birth of St Francis; Francis before the bishop   
4. Stigmatization of St Francis
Pictures of the Zendejas paintings by Tacho Juárez Herrera (click images to enlarge) 
image by Niccolò Brooker
Florid paintings of lesser known archangels, including Reginel and Esriel (above) hang in the transepts, possibly part of another dismantled altarpiece.
El Carmen retablo © Niccolò Brooker
In addition to the main altarpiece, a single tier side retablo, dedicated to the Virgin of El Carmen, is crafted in a later baroque style, framed by complex estípite pilasters heavily encrusted with gilded rococo ornament.
text © 2020 Richard D. Perry.    images © as noted


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