Monday, November 23, 2015

Mexican Murals: Mamá

In an earlier post we described the altarpieces of Mamá. Here we look at the recently uncovered sacristy murals there—some of the relatively few such colonial survivals in Yucatán.

Mamá: The Sacristy Murals
The principal discovery during the church restoration was the uncovering in the sacristy—part of the original 16th century mission—of several large scale, colorful frescoes, hidden for centuries behind coats of whitewash.
San Bernardino de Sena and decorative archway
Although the murals are undated, some may date back to the 1700s. As in many other polychrome murals of the era, the range of colors is bright but limited—predominantly blue, red/orange, ocher and other earth tones.

Divided image of St Christopher;                 St. Clare with archangel  
The often incomplete images include apparent representations of St. Christopher, and Franciscans St. Bernardino of Siena and St. Clare.
There are also portraits of seated Franciscans reading and writing, including the English schoolman Duns Scotus.
Duns Scotus and draped cross

A Yucatecan style draped cross is portrayed, in addition to painted arches and floral decoration.  

text and pictures © 2015 Richard D Perry

For complete details on the colonial churches of Yucatan consult our guidebook MAYA MISSIONS.

Please see our previous posts on the murals at EpazoyucanTepeapulcoTulaYecapixtla and Zempoala.

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