Sunday, August 28, 2016

Tecali 3: the carved fonts

In addition to the altarpieces saved from the Basilica and installed in the parish church at Tecali, two monolithic stone fonts have also survived from an earlier period and are located in the nave.
   Both date from the 16th century and are carved with ringed medallions that enclose Greek and Latin Christograms as well as the Franciscan emblem of the Stigmata or Five Wounds of Christ. 
The smaller and more archaic of the two basins is rimmed by acanthus foliage and the Franciscan knotted cord, and shows kneeling figures, or hovering angels, pointing to the medallions.
Set atop a coffered pedestal, the larger font also rises from a petalled margarita style base. Here, the monograms stand alone and are more ornamental in character. 
The Latin inscription carved around the rim reads: 
AQUA BENEDICTA SIT NOBIS SALUS ET VITA ET PERDUCAT  NOS IN VITAM  ETERNAM    (May this holy water give us health and life and bring us to eternal life)
text and photography ©2016 Richard D. Perry
Please review our earlier posts on regional carved baptismal fonts; Oaxaca; Yucatán; Tlaxcala; Eastern Michoacán; Western Michoacán

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